Oops! It’s DollPara! 5: COPPEILA talks about future plans, art fight, and game stuff!

Hello everyone!

This couple of days has been somthing for our game development art-wise. I was working on sprites and all, but I also had to juggle on Artfight too. And seeing the DollPara art attacks on artfight is really motivating for me to keep on going!, I still have a tiny bit of unmotivation to write, but I’m pushing through it! I’m currently working on BOOK I CHAPTER IV, and I’m almost halfway there to finishing BOOK I! (‘I think), I also have some plans on working on making a Japense, Portuguese, and maybe Korean and French translations. Im not sure about French and Korean. However, I’m learning japense, and around 41% fluent, wile my older sister is fluent in Portuguese, so she can help! And speaking of which, Im also planning if they game gets popular enough, I could turn my Charaters into marketable plushies. However, it’s very unlikely. I’m still a minor, however, if any good manufacturing company asks, I’d be MORE than happy! I’ve always dreamed of hugging Arimi and Ayatsu. Somtimes, I see them, and all of my Charaters as my children! Anyways, on the development. I’m still working on the sprites, and nothing is new really, just a normal work day. Once the script backgrounds the sprites are finished, and if Bai Wei (BESTIE!!!! <33333) is able to get the music done for the beginning, we can make a demo for the game! And also, it’s also summer break for me, so I might schedule a day where I can make game development my 2nd top pritoirity (God’s always 1st!), because I want my game to be the best it can be. I want it to be a love letter to people who liked RPG horror games like IB and OMORI, and I want to raise up the 2000’s and 2010’s feel too. I also might add some Easter eggs to stuff, and my scrapped projects too. And overall, that’s all I have to talk about today! See you later!

Bonus Fun fact! : Did you know Lua is based off a song? She’s based of a Spanish song called “Hijo De La Luna” by Mecana, a musical tragedy about a Roma woman who asks the moon for a child. But when the moon does, the child was albino, leaving the husband believing she cheated on him, causing him to kill her. After her death, the child returns to the moon, and according to the song, the the child is happy, the moon would become full,  but if the child is sad, the moon will become a crescent moon, acting like a cradle to comfort him. I mainly inspired her off the music video, and her name is also inspired by it, ‘Lua’ meaning Moon in Portuguese.

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